A smart & free taxonomy tree generator online

To cite iPhylo in publications use:

Li, Y., Peng, C., Chi, F., Huang, Z., Yuan, M., Zhou, X., & Jiang, C. The iPhylo suite: an interactive platform for building and annotating biological and chemical taxonomic trees. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 26(1). https://doi.org/10.1093/bib/bbae679

NCBI taxonomy version 2023.4
iPhylo database version 2023.4
Biological taxonomy nodes 2,388,300
Chemical taxonomy nodes 801,308
  • iPhylo CLI: A command line interface for generating biological and chemical taxonomy trees, providing an expanded database and customized trees. Applies to MacOS, Windows, and Linux.
  • iPhylo Visual: Visualization and annotation tool for iPhylo tree and other tree structures.

ViroDecode: An optimized workflow for SNP calling and genome assembly tailored to ultra-deep sequencing and amplicon sequencing data, with a specific focus on SARS-CoV-2.

Kun-peng: An ultra-memory-efficient, fast, and accurate pan-domain taxonomic classifier for all.

ReporterScore: Generalized reporter score-based enrichment analysis for omics data. View Publication

Hope you like our services. We welcome you to contact us if you have any problems in using iPhylo!
